Getting small business to look bigger, and bigger business to look friendlier
Incorporating professional on hold music for your business’s telephone music background goes a long way to enhance your company’s appearance. Hold music for business affirms to clients that they have called the correct place and that their contact is valued even if they can not be answered immediately.
Inform and entertain clients of the value of your business
The music on hold messages continue to inform and entertain clients of the value of your business as you are given the opportunity to showcase the full suite of goods or services that you provide. While the auto attendant function enhances organisational efficiency as clients are directed to the appropriate channel to address their needs expediently.
Over the past decades on hold music for business has become an essential aspect of customer service. Yet, with more recent technological innovations business hold music has allowed smaller businesses to look more prominent while helping larger business look more friendly, in both cases reaffirming to clients that their call is valued.
The proof is in the practice
Studies conducted by research companies have highlighted consumer perceptions of on hold music and messages, reinforcing the necessity to incorporate on hold music for business into customer service operations.
A study of more than 2000 consumers in the UK revealed that 70% of callers are put on hold for the majority of their calls. Of those callers 73% wanted to hear something other than silence or the telephone dial tone, while another 80% preferred to hear information messages that could potentially be useful. Consistent with these findings, a CNN study conducted in the US found that 70% of callers who are kept on hold in silence will hang up within 60 seconds, while if callers are hearing music while on hold they will stay on the line 30 seconds longer. Furthermore, 34% of callers who hung up due to silence have no intention of calling back. While on the flip side, 42% of callers stayed longer due to on hold music and messages related to the company’s services, of which led to an 19% increase in sales.
With this information in mind developing the ideal hold music for your business becomes essential, as it has been shown to improve standards of call handling. Contact Melody on Hold, specialists in Hold music for business phones to get the right hold music for your business phone lines.
What is the best hold music for business?
Finding the best hold music to suit your business is not a simple process as it involves a good understanding of your business and the type of services you offer. Our team of musicians and producers will work closely with you to select the music and script the messages you require to get the most out of your business on hold music package.
From our extensive on hold music library, we help you select the music that would be of interest to your typical caller. From classical and country music to smooth jazz and beautiful music, these are just some of our more common selections that are fully synthesized into your business on hold messages. So whether your business is a clothing store, a kindergarten, a second hand book shop or a fresh food market, Melody on Hold has the best on hold music for your business phones.
Our Top Services
Music on Hold
While your clients are holding on the phone, showcase the full character of your business through your music on hold and your unique on hold messages.